
part of circle

Opus 79 - 70


15 parts; work in progress
For organ (Baroque type)


June 29, 2023

For organ


8 November 2020

On three poems from the collection L'Intemporelle Contemplative
I. Non naissance, non mort.
II. Le pèlerin
III. Mystère de l'instant présent

Dedicated to Patrick Pargnien


10 September 2020

For soprano and organ


7 September 2020

For organ
Commissioned by A World Without Armies

Opus 69 - 60


15 August 2020

I. Dawn Chant
II. Dreamless sleep of the Phoenix
III. Flight to Heliopolis

For organ
Dedicated to Karl & Carmen Stimm-Tonen and family


11 January 2020

For soprano and organ


20 July 2019

For organ
Dedicated to Annelies Focquaert


15 May 2019

For soprano and organ
Based on texts of Hanshan, translated by Kazuaki Tanahashi and Peter Levitt.

Ten Millennium Future opus 62 (ca 32')

15 July 2018

For organ
Commissioned by A World Without Armies

Book Of Presence opus 61 (ca 54')

5 August 2017

For piano
Dedicated to Erwin De Bock

Samudra, opus 60 (ca 30')

21 December 2015

For cello solo
Commisioned by and dedicated to Lieselot Watté

Opus 59 - 50

Chant & Chaconne, opus 59 (ca. 14')

4 June 2015

for violin solo
Commissioned by and dedicated to Lily Moons

Nobody Left, opus 58

For piano

Circle in a Gold-Green Sky, opus 57 (ca. 3'30)

7 September 2014

For piano
Dedicated to Christiaan Degrande

Grenzenloos Thema, opus 56 B (ca 3')

3 November 2014

For qanun, oud, cello & piano
Commissioned by Festival Grenzenloos

Grassroots Sanctuary, opus 56 (ca 30')

26 August 2014

For piano
Dedicated to An Van Reeth

Writing on Water, opus 54 (ca. 12')

10 April 2014

For piano

Flowers of Emptiness, opus 52 (ca. 5'30)

16 January 2014

For organ

As a Heron, Hiding in the Moonlight, opus 51 (ca 21')

11 November 2013

For flute and piano
Commissioned by and dedicated to Lindy Vanden Berk & An Van Reeth

Clouds and Water (Unsui) opus 50 (ca 35')

27 May 2013

For piano

Opus 49 - 40

Ice Rabbit opus 49 (4'20”)

5 April 2013

For piano

Cavatina opus 48 (4')

3 April 2013

For piano or any keyboard instrument

A Song of Silver and Snow opus 47 (22')

29 November 2012

For alto flute or flute solo
Dedicated to Isabel Alonso Morillo

Ariadne's Breath opus 46 (7'00”)

5 June 2012

For piano (piano solo version of 43/7)
Dedicated to Veerle Peeters

37 Wings opus 45 (3'45”)

2 June 2011

For piano
Dedicated to Beppe Signoritti, Alba (It)

Death Poem opus 44 (9')

27 August 2011

For voice and piano
Poem by Kazuaki Tanahashi
Dedicated to Kazuaki Tanahashi, Berkeley, California

If someone asks opus 43/16 (1'00”)

29 July 2012

For voice and piano
Poem by Ryokan, translated by Kazuaki Tanahashi
Dedicated to Heinz-Jürgen Metzger, Solingen (D)

Renouncing the world opus 43/15 (5'00”)

10 August 2012

For voice and piano
Poem by Ryokan, translated by Kazuaki Tanahashi
Dedicated to Mia Casteleyn

After staying at Koju temple opus 43/14 (9'30”)

9 August 2012

For voice and piano
Poem by Ryokan, translated by Kazuaki Tanahashi
Dedicated to Els Mondelaers

What was right yesterday opus 43/13 (3'20”)

17 July 2012

For voice and piano
Poem by Ryokan Taigu, translated by Kazuaki Tanahashi
Dedicated to Konrad Maquestieau

My hands hold a cane opus 43/12 (2'30”)

25 August 2012

For voice and piano
Poem by Ryokan, translated by Kazuaki Tanahashi
Dedicated to Geneviève Gauckler, Paris

On a clear day around midnight opus 43/11 (5'00”)

29 August 2012

For voice and piano
Poem by Ryokan, translated by Kazuaki Tanahashi
Dedicated to Peter Levitt, Salt Spring Island, British Columbia

Although from the Beginning opus 43/10 (3'30”)

29 July 2011

For voice and piano
Poem by Ryokan, translated by Kazuaki Tanahashi
Dedicated to Tom Hannes

On a quiet evening opus 43/9 (3'50”)

28 January 2013

For voice and piano
Poem by Ryokan Taigu, translated by Kazuaki Tanahashi
Dedicated to Ines Steggewentze, Solingen (D)

I lodge in an abandoned temple opus 43/8 (6'15”)

10 December 2012

For voice and piano
Poem by Ryokan Taigu, translated by Kazuaki Tanahashi
Dedicated to Marie-Laure Grégoire, Brussels

Out Breath and In Breath opus 43/7 (7'00”)

5 August 2012

For voice and piano
Poem by Ryokan Taigu, translated by Kazuaki Tanahashi
Dedicated to Veerle Peeters

All four Seasons have the Moon opus 43/6 (7'50”)

1 January 2013

For voice and piano
Poem by Ryokan Taigu, translated by Kazuaki Tanahashi
Dedicated to Patrick Pargnien, Bordeaux (Fr)

In the Evening of a Thousand Peaks opus 43/5 (4'20”)

13 January 2011

For voice and piano
Poem by Ryokan Taigu, translated by Kazuaki Tanahashi
Dedicated to Frank De Waele, Gent

After Sunset, a Breeze Blew opus 43/4 (4')

24 February 2011

For voice and piano
Poem by Ryokan Taigu, translated by Kazuaki Tanahashi
Dedicated to Susan O'Leary, Madison, Wisconsin

Takuhatsu opus 43/3 (6'40”)

25 July 2012

For voice and piano
Poem by Ryokan Taigu, translated by Kazuaki Tanahashi
Dedicated to Anne Dierckx

Since I left the household opus 43/2 (2'00”)

27 August 2012

For voice and piano
Poem by Ryokan Taigu, translated by Kazuaki Tanahashi
Dedicated to Dorine Esser

Miracles of Each Moment opus 42 (7'30”)

30 December 2010

For piano
Dedicated to Kazuaki Tanahashi, Berkeley, California

Lamento opus 41 (2')

6 February 2000

For organ

Capriccio opus 40

28 February 1997

For piano or organ

Opus 39 - 30

Riding the Waves opus 39 (5')

25 July 2010

For piano
Dedicated to Karin De Winter

The Four Vows opus 38 (4')

13 May 2010

For 6-part Choir SMsATBarB
Translated by Joan Halifax
Dedicated to Roland Rech, Nice (Fr)

Robe Chant opus 37a (6')

10 April 2010

For 6-part Choir SMsATBarB
Translated by Joan Halifax
Dedicated to Ann Beerlandt

Robe Chant opus 37b (7')

5 March 2010

For piano
Dedicated to Ann Beerlandt

Being One and Many (Sandokai) opus 36 ( 12'45``)

18 February 2010

For double choir SATBar MsATB
Dedicated to Roshi Joan Halifax and the Upaya Zen Center, Santa Fe, New Mexico

The Sutra on the Heart of Realizing Wisdom Beyond Wisdom opus 35 (10'50``)

17 September 2009

For 4-part choir SATB
Dedicated to Kazuaki Tanahashi, Berkeley, California

Ten Line Sutra of Avalokitesvara's Boundless Life opus 34 (ca. 9'10``) For choir SATB

21 July 2009

Dedicated to the memory of Nicolas De Wilde (1967 2009)

Kannon's Pillow opus 33 (21')

6 August 2010

For piano
Dedicated to Veerle Peeters

Vast, boundless world, opus 32a (5'40”)

17 April 2009 (first page composed March 2007)

For 4-part choir SATB
Dedicated to Ensemble Polyfoon

Litany opus 32b (5'40”)

17 April 2009 (first page composed March 2007)

For string quartet

Reading the Record of Eihei Dogen opus 31a (10'40”)

9 April 2009

For 4-part choir SATB
Dedicated to my parents

Dharani (third string quartet) opus 31b (10'40”)

For string quartet or gamba consort

Opus 29 - 20

Aigo, a ceremony for consort (second string quartet) opus 29 (56')

4 August 2008 (written 2006-2008)

Passamezzo antico opus 28 (6'20”)

21 June 2007

For organ or harpsichord

Komuso opus 27 (5'30”)

21 March 2007

For string quartet

A Dorian Fancy opus 25 (11'30”)

4 January 2006

For recorder quartet, string quartet or organ

Triratna opus 24, (5'10”)

29 September 2005

For string quartet or organ

Tiento opus 23, (3'50”)

July 2005

For organ

Fugue opus 21 (6'30”)

January 2004

For string quartet or organ
Dedicated to Wim Van den Broeck, Meerhout (B)

Opus 19 - 10

Mantra opus 19 (10'30``-11')

August 2001 (revised May 2009)

For piano
Dedicated to Armin Müller, Bonn (D)

Muziek for Liffey

For mezzo-soprano and string trio:

1) a collage
2) arrangements
3) Stringtrio nr. 2 “Liffey”, opus 17a, ca. 25'
4) Solo for mezzo: “Soft mild morning”, opus 17b, 12'

Mujo Seppo opus 16 (21'30”)

August 2000

For organ

Prelude for Kannon, opus 15, piano, (16'30”)

4 April 2000

For Piano
Dedicated to Helena Urgel (1978-2011)

… alors le vent du printemps soufflera... opus 14 (15')

20 August 1999

Recorder quartet nr. 2
Commissioned by Recorder Quartet Carré

The Last Nights of Huntun opus 13, (40')


For piano

Canvas opus 12 (11'30”)

30 June 1997

String Quartet nr. 1
Dedicated to Tom Hannes

Hakuin opus 11, (5'40”)

4 December 1996

For organ

Prevalent Error opus 10 (18')


For 40 organ pipes
Commissioned by Monty, Antwerpen

Opus 9 - 0

Rrose, c'est la Valse opus 9, (10')

November 1996

For viola (violin version also)
Commissioned by Monty, Antwerpen

3 Dances for flute, viola, bass clarinet and double bass, opus 8 ( 23')

Summer 1996

Commissioned by Jan Fabre
Premiere: Soloists of I Fiamminghi conducted by Rudolf Werthen, festival “I Fiammingi in Campo”, Antwerpen, 18 februari 1997
live recording by Radio 3.

...agat in rebus...,opus 7 (15')

28 April 1996, Leuven

For mezzo-soprano and piano

The Manic Mallet Ballad opus 6 (5')

11 February 1996

For marimba

Ricercare, opus 5 (11')

Leuven, July 24 - September 14 1995

Recorder Quartet nr. 1
Commissioned by Recorder Quartet Carré

Zahir opus 4 (10')

Leuven, Part 1 April 26, Part 2 July 14, Part 3 December 18 1995

For string trio
Commissioned by Trio Aura

Semifusa opus 3 (8')


For piano quintet

Graffiti opus 2 (7')


For violin and piano

Ciacona Curvata opus 1 (4')

August 1992

For harpsichord

Variations on “De winter is vergangen” opus 0 (4'30”)


For organ or harpsichord
Premiere: Luc De Winter, Faber-orgel, Zeerijp (Groningen), august 1986

The Mad Teaparty


For harpsichord



For harpsichord


22 March 1990

For organ
Premiere: Luc De Winter, Lemmensinstituut, Leuven, March 22 1990